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Cheryl Wawrzynowicz
Aspartame sensitivity. Aspartame allergy. Food dye sensitivity.

Unpredictable blackouts, heart palipitations, dramatic drops in blood pressure, and an unpredictable heart rate. On heart medication, Atenolol, for 15 years until SHE discovered the REAL cause of her chronic health symptoms. One FDA cleared sweetner was causing her ability to be self reliant impossible. She wasn't even allowed to be alone with her small children at times.

After diagnosing herself via self administered testing. She was armed with a body of knowledge to as also help her daughter. Cheryl found a correlation with food dye and her daughters' unpredictable dramatic bouts of hyperactivity.

Aspartame sensitivity. Aspartame allergy.
Yellow food dye color sensitivity.
Blue food dye color sensitivity.

Interviewed June 2008.

Cheryl is a real person. Her website is  www.wojosportraits.com

Food Powers with guest Cheryl Wawrzynowicz (mp3)

Get personal accounts of healing and interviews with authors, filmmakers and more!

What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others.
--Lucretius (99 B.C. -  55 B.C.)  


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