Your first line of defense against a hidden food allergy is a FOOD LOG – also known as a food journal or food diary.
To track how your health, mood and inner motivation are triggered by food, you should download and use this free food log:
Food Allergies get noticed by us because they are an OVERreaction to a food. (* Think of a parent jumping out of bed with a gun when they hear their door open. An overreaction that could be deadly.)
Hidden Food Allergies rarely get noticed because our reactions to food are mild. (* A parent is gently bumped by a sleeping child throughout the night. A harmless interaction that results in a parent’s reduced creativity at work.)
I USE A FOOD LOG to help me rotate foods okayed by my test which in turn helps my body build stronger health.
One Person’s Food is Another’s Poison,
PS – If you can’t afford spending $120 or more for a food sensitivity test then you should download my food log to help keep track of your food, mood and health.